The company adopted the new financial instruments accounting standard on January 1, 最新 and approximately RMB1.2 billion of accumulated other comprehensive income for the available-for-sale equity securities that existed as of December 31, 最新 was reclassified into retained earnings upon the initial adoption. After the adoption of this new accounting standard, the company will measure its long-term investments other than equity method investments at fair value with gains or losses recorded through the income statements, which could vary significantly from quarter to quarter. The impact of applying this new standard for the three months ended March 31, 最新 resulted in an increase of approximately RMB1.6 billion in Others, net.简而言之,新的司帐尺度让经济账里上增少了16亿元的颈?。这是可以明黑的变乱,但没有知讲投资人怎样看。停止收稿,京东股卖价下跌3%摆布。以上便是京东Q1财报的一些重要数据。
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