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5年规模增长10倍 跨境电商体现巨大市场活力

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发表于 2023-10-1 18:07:15 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式


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Employees sort packages at a logistics center in Guiyang, Guizhou province. [Photo/Xinhua]
The cross-border e-commerce trade has become an important tool to stabilize foreign trade and promote consumption thanks to such advantages as online transaction, contactless delivery and short transaction chain, said the People's Daily on Wednesday.《人民日报》11月30日报道,跨境电商依附线上生意业务、非打仗式交货、生意业务链条短等上风成为稳外贸、促斲丧的紧张抓手。
Data from Chinese customs showed that the country's import and export scale of the cross-border e-commerce increased nearly tenfold in the past five years, and its share in foreign trade rose from less than 1 percent in 2015 to 4.9 percent in 2021.据海关统计,我国跨境电商收支口规模五年来增长近10倍,占外贸的比重由2015年的不到1%增长到2021年的4.9%。
The import and export scale of the cross-border e-commerce reached 1.62 trillion yuan ($226.8 billion) in 2020, surging 25.7 percent year-on-year, and the figures hit 1.92 trillion yuan in 2021, an increase of 18.6 percent from a year earlier, realizing a rapid growth for two consecutive years.2020年,我国跨境电商收支口规模达1.62万亿元,增长25.7%。2021年,我国跨境电商收支口规模达1.92万亿元,增长18.6%,一连两年实现高速增长。
In the first six months of this year, the import and export transaction volume of the cross-border e-commerce grew 28.6 percent year-on-year to maintain steady and rapid growth.本年我国跨境电商保持安稳较快增长,上半年跨境电商收支口生意业务额同比增长28.6%。
Recently, China has approved the establishment of comprehensive pilot zones for cross-border e-commerce in another 33 cities and regions, making it the seventh batch of such pilot areas, and the total number of the pilots reached 165 across the country.克日,国务院批复同意在33个都会和地区设立跨境电子商务综合试验区。这是我国设立的第七批跨境电商综试区,中国跨境电商综试区数目到达165个。
Many of the latest batches of comprehensive pilot zones for cross-border e-commerce are located in central and western China as well as the country's border areas.本次新设的跨境电商综试区更加偏重中西部都会以及边田地区。
The pilot zones are expected to help facilitate the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, and optimize and upgrade foreign trade, said the Xinhua news agency.据新华社报道,跨境电商综合试验区建立将助力传统产业转型升级,推动外贸优化升级。
The first comprehensive pilot zone for cross-border e-commerce was established in Hangzhou, East China's Zhejiang province. In past seven years, the city has fostered 49,000 cross-border e-commerce sellers, registered more than 2,000 overseas trademarks, and the trade volume of the cross-border e-commerce reached over 100 billion yuan.第一个跨境电商综试区设在浙江杭州,设立7年来,杭州共培养跨境电商卖家4.9万家,外洋注册商标凌驾2000个,跨境电商收支口额凌驾1000亿元。
In Jiangsu province, the scale of cross-border e-commerce business has increased by more than four times annually in the past three years. Over 90 cross-border e-commerce industrial parks and incubation bases have been built, and more than 280 overseas warehouses have been set up covering key markets such as in countries and regions participating in the Belt and Road Initiative.在江苏,近3年跨境电商业务规模年均增长凌驾4倍,建成90余家跨境电商产业园和孵化基地,280多家外洋仓覆盖“一带一起”等重点市场。
The cross-border e-commerce has become a strong new driving force to stabilize the foreign trade under the COVID-19 pandemic, said the People's Daily.《人民日报》称,跨境电商已成为疫情之下稳住外贸根本盘的强劲新动能。
The cross-border e-commerce has significantly lowered the specialization threshold in international trade, that enabling a large number of small and micro entities to become new trade operators, said Sheng Qiuping, vice-minister of commerce.商务部副部长盛秋平体现,跨境电商大幅低落国际商业专业化门槛,使一大批小微主体成为新型商业的谋划者。
At present, more than 30,000 enterprises have registered on the online integrated service platform of the comprehensive pilot zone for cross-border e-commerce.现在,在跨境电商综试区线上综合服务平台存案的企业已经凌驾3万家。
The cross-border e-commerce is also a new path to promote Chinese people in consumption upgrading. Its characters of decentralization globalization can meet consumers' needs for tailor-made products, said a report from the Academy of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade.跨境电商入口已成为斲丧升级新路径。中国贸促会研究院发布的陈诉以为,跨境电商的非中央化和环球性的特性,恰好可以满足斲丧者寻求个性化生存的必要。
Logistics is a key factor to cross-border e-commerce services on timeliness and stability. In recent years, innovative models are emerging in the logistics, such as building overseas warehouses, return center warehouses and high-quality goods warehouses for export. The comprehensive service complex formed, including warehousing, logistics, customs declaration and clearance, return and exchange, processing and maintenance, packaging and distribution.物流是关系跨境电商服务时效和稳固性的关键因素。比年来,外洋仓、退货中央仓、出口优选仓等各种物流节点创新模式不绝涌现,渐渐成为集仓储、物流、报关清关、退换货、加工维修、包装分销于一体的综合服务体。
Data from the Ministry of Commerce showed that the number of the overseas warehouses surpassed 2,000 and the area exceeding 16 million square meters, currently.商务部数据体现,现在我国外洋仓结构连续优化,数目凌驾2000个,面积凌驾1600万平方米。



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