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Today the editorial brings you a description of the supply chain invasion research question "Coordination and information sharing in fresh produce e-commerce supply chains considering preservation efforts and value-added services".
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This issue tweet shows the PhD thesis "Coordination and information sharing in fresh produce e-commerce supply chains considering preservation efforts and value-added services" supply chain invasion research problem description through three panels of mind map, close reading content and knowledge supplement, readers are invited to follow along!
This tweet will present the problem description of the supply chain intrusion study for this thesis, with the following mind map:
This issue tweet presents a description of the information sharing problem for a fresh produce e-commerce supply chain considering supplier intrusion under the influence of a new chapter - Freshness Effort and Value Added Services.
Firstly the authors consider the problem description under different supplier invasion options and construct a demand function construction when suppliers do not invade, arguing that demand is influenced by retail price, service level, and product freshness.
Next, a demand function is constructed for supplier invasion, introducing competitive intensity, where the results of others are referred to. Competitive intensity represents channel substitutability and influences the market demand, price, and freshness components in a proportional manner.
The information prediction states and the information prediction structure are then described, dividing the information prediction states into high and low states, which represent the ability of information prediction in the form of probabilities.
The cost structure of this section is immediately portrayed, starting with the preservation cost function, which considers the existence of diminishing marginal benefits between preservation inputs and preservation effects, using a quadratic form and first and second order vehicle cost derivatives that are both greater than 0. The same approach is used for the service cost function.
Finally, the research questions in this section are explained in terms of decision making: 1. Fresh produce e-merchants choose information sharing strategies. 2. Suppliers choose channel strategies. 3. Fresh produce e-merchants observe demand information. 4. Suppliers do not invade, suppliers first decide on wholesale prices and preservation efforts, then fresh produce e-merchants decide on retail prices and service levels. 5. Suppliers invade, suppliers first decide on wholesale prices, preservation efforts and direct sales price, and then the fresh produce e-merchant is deciding on retail price and service level. The concluding section gives the meaning of the symbols. |